Stratos Ally

Prototype Pollution Server-Side 

**Note: The content in this article is only for educational purposes and understanding of cybersecurity concepts. It should enable people and organizations to have a better grip on threats and know how to protect themselves against them. Please use this information responsibly.** 

JavaScript was originally developed with the intention of being executed by the client-side in a web browser, has evolved significantly. The advent of server-side runtime environments, with Node.js being a prime example, has expanded JavaScript’s reach into server-side development. This shift has enabled developers to create servers, APIs, and various back-end applications using JavaScript. 

As a consequence of this expansion to server-side contexts, the potential for prototype pollution vulnerabilities has also migrated from purely client-side scenarios to server-side environments. While the core concepts of prototype pollution remain similar, the process of detecting and exploiting these vulnerabilities in server-side settings introduces new complexities and challenges. 

Walkthrough of Server-Side Prototype Pollution 

This lab utilizes Node.js and the Express framework and is susceptible to server-side prototype pollution due to the unsafe merging of user-controllable input into a server-side JavaScript object. This vulnerability is easily detectable as any polluted properties inherited through the prototype chain are visible in an HTTP response. 

To complete the lab: 

  1. Identify a source of prototype pollution that allows you to add arbitrary properties to the global Object.prototype. 
  1. Locate a device attribute that can be utilized to increase your level of access. 
  1. Find the “Carlos” user in the admin panel and remove them. 

You can use the following credentials to log into your account: Peter: Wiener. 

  1. Capture the Address Change Request and study it 
  1. Log in to your account and navigate to the account page. Submit the form to update your billing and delivery address. 
  1. Locate the POST /my-account/change-address request in the HTTP history tab. Observe that the form data is sent to the server as JSON. Analyze the Response. 

Observe that in response, the server displays a JSON object that represents your user and has been updated with the new address details. 

  1. Send this request to Burp Repeater. 
  1. Identify a Prototype Pollution Source: 

Create a new property called __proto__ in Burp Repeater, which will hold an object with an arbitrary property: 

“__proto__”: { 

    “foo”: “bar” 


Send the request. 

Notice that the response object now includes the arbitrary property you injected, but no __proto__ property. This indicates successful prototype pollution, with your property inherited via the prototype chain. 

  1. Identify and Exploit the Gadget: 
  1. Consider the additional attributes in the response body. The isAdmin attribute is presently set to false. 
  1. Change the request by adding your own isAdmin property to the prototype: 

“__proto__”: { 

    “isAdmin”: true 


Send the request.  

Observe that the response’s isAdmin value has been modified, suggesting the object has inherited this property from the polluted prototype. 

  1. Access the Admin Panel 
  1. Verify that there is a link to the admin panel now that you have refreshed the website in your browser. 

Now, simply click on the admin panel and remove the user “Carlos.” 


  1. Input Sanitization: Validate and cleanse incoming data 
  1. JSON Parsing: Use safe parsing methods 
  1. Property Access Control: Implement strict object property checks 
  1. Dependency Management: Keep libraries updated 
  1. Code Analysis: Employ static analysis tools 


Vigilant server-side practices are crucial for thwarting prototype pollution. By implementing robust validation, secure parsing, and proactive code review, developers can significantly reduce vulnerability risks. 

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