With the growing popularity of Telegram, a number of cybercriminal and illegal activities have emerged. With a base of nearly 1 billion users, the platform’s minimal moderation and easy access have made it a spot for illegal activities.
Telegram made it easy for cybercriminals to perform illicit activities, including fraud, document forgery, and distributing stolen databases, as noted by Kaspersky’s recent report.
Historically, cybercrime thrived on the dark web, where anonymity was maintained through encryption and limited access. However, Telegram has emerged as a new venue for these activities, providing similar anonymity and easy to use features but with a broader reach. This platform has a feature of group chats and channels, which can accommodate up to 200,000 members, which increases the criminal networks.
Former hacker Ngo Minh Hieu explains that scammers prefer Telegram due to its anonymity and self-destructing messages. Unlike other platforms, Telegram only requires a phone number for signing up, making it easier for criminals to use fake identities.
Despite its huge user base and ongoing efforts to improve, Telegram faces criticism for its content moderation policies. The platform has been fined and faced temporary suspensions in countries like Germany and Brazil for failing to comply with local regulations on illegal content and data sharing.
The situation escalated recently when Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, was arrested in France on charges related to the misuse of his platform, highlighting ongoing concerns about the company’s ability to manage and prevent criminal activity effectively.