Amit Shah, the union home minister, attended the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center’s (I4C) inaugural foundation day on Tuesday. In order to combat cybercrimes in India, he stated that the government intends to train and equip 5,000 cyber commandos over the course of the next five years. He emphasized the significance of creating a safe cyberspace, pointing out that 46% of global digital transactions occur in India. The 5,000 cyber commandos, will be a core group of highly trained police officers who will instantly respond to and prevent cyber-attacks in the country.
In addition, Mr. Shah announced the creation of the Cyber Fraud Mitigation Center (CFMC), which would be headed by officials from state and federal law enforcement agencies, telecom service providers, payment aggregators, financial intermediaries, and large banks. The home minister also unveiled a “suspect registry,” wherein information on offenders engaged in online financial fraud and cybercrime will be centrally maintained and accessible to state, union territory, federal investigative, and intelligence authorities. In order to improve the financial ecosystem’s capacity to manage fraud risk, banks and financial intermediaries worked together to build the registry, which is based on the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP).
Amit Shah said, ‘Without cybersecurity, the development of the nation is impossible at this point. Technology is a blessing to humanity. Technology is being used to a great extent to boost the economy but at the same time, we are also seeing many threats because of technology. Cybersecurity has become an important part of national security. We won’t be able to save our nation without cyber security. Platforms like I4C can play a key role in this.’ Additionally, the home minister declared that a national awareness campaign would begin on September 10 and would be carried out through a variety of venues, including FM radio.