Stratos Ally

HTTP: The Foundation of Web Communication 


HTTP is the foundation for web communication through which browsers and servers swap data. It aids in transferring web content like text, images, and video. However, HTTP lacks safety measures, leaving data open to theft. To fix this, HTTPS (the secure version) scrambles the communications, keeping data safe. 

What is HTTP? 

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is the set of rules controlling how data moves on the internet from a client (such as a web browser) to a server where the websites live. HTTP forms the base for any data exchange on the Web, letting browsers ask for and get content such as web pages, pictures, videos, and other stuff. 

Key Features of HTTP: 

  • Stateless Protocol: Each request is independent, and the server does not store previous request data. 
  • Human-Readable Format: HTTP messages are in plain text, and anyone can understand them. 
  • Unsecure: Data is sent in plain text, thus vulnerable to interception. 

Versions of HTTP 

Feature HTTP/1.0 (1996) HTTP/1.1 (1997) HTTP/2 (2015) HTTP/3 (2022) 
Connection New connection per request Persistent connection (keep- alive) Multiplexing over TCP Multiplexing over QUIC 
Speed Slow Faster Much faster Fastest 
Pipelining No Yes Yes (Improved) Yes (Better with QUIC) 
 Compression  No  No HPACK (Header Compression) QPACK (Improved Compression) 
Encryption No No (Optional) Optional Default (TLS 1.3) 
Performance Low Medium High Very High 
Head-of-Line Blocking Yes Yes Partially Reduced Eliminated 
Server Push No No Yes Yes (More Efficient) 

HTTP Methods 

HTTP defines several methods for different types of requests: 

Method Description 
GET Retrieves data from the server. 
POST Submits data to be processed. 
PUT Updates existing resources. 
DELETE Removes specified resources. 
HEAD Retrieves only headers, without body content. 
OPTIONS Fetches available HTTP methods for a resource.
PATCH Partially updates a resource. 

HTTP Status Codes 

Status Code Category Description 
1xx Informational Request received, continuing process. 
2xx Success The request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. 
3xx Redirection Further actions need to be taken to complete the requests. 
4xx Client Error The request contains bad syntax and cannot be fulfilled. 
5xx Server Error The servers failed to fulfill a valid request. 

How HTTP Work 

When we type a URL in our browser, HTTP helps us to talk to the web servers hosting the website: 

  1. Browser Send HTTP Request
  • Browser Send HTTP Request: Our browser asks the server for the website’s content (like web pages and pictures). This request contains: 
  • Method: Action type (e.g., GET for requesting data). 
  • URL: The web address. 
  • Headers: Extra information (e.g., browser type). 
  • Body: Optional data (e.g., form submission for POST requests). 

2. Server Process the Request 

The server fetches the requested files (HTML, CSS, images) and prepares a response. 

3. Server Send HTTP Response

  • The server sends back the response with the following: 
  • Status Code: The result of the operation (e.g., 200 OK for the success, 404 for not found). 
  • Headers: Information about the content (e.g., type and length). 
  • Body: The requested content (e.g., HTML, images). 


Security No encryption Encrypted using SSL/TLS 
Port 80 443 
Data Integrity Data can be altered Ensures integrity 
Authentication No verification Uses certificates to verify identity 
SEO Impact Neutral Boosts search rankings 


Knowing about HTTP and HTTPS plays a key role in web security and speed. HTTP still sees use, but HTTPS has become the go-to choice. This is because it encrypts data, verifies identity, and helps with search rankings. When you put HTTPS to work, it boosts user faith and keeps data safe. That’s why it’s now a must-have part of up-to-date web apps. 

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